A prompt is a set of instructions or questions that guide a user through a specific task or activity. It is a tool commonly used in interactive systems, such as chatbots or games, to engage users and provide them with a structured experience.

A well-designed prompt should be clear, concise, and easy to follow, with a clear goal or objective for the user to achieve. By following the steps outlined in this document, you can create an effective and engaging prompt on ChatGPT.

First, simulate a persona to understand the type of user you want to target. Next, write a list of tasks that the user should be able to accomplish through the prompt. Then, break down each task into specific steps that the user needs to take in order to complete it. Make sure to give context and constraints to the user so they understand the limitations of the prompt. Define a clear goal for the user to achieve by completing the tasks. Finally, define the format of the output that the user should expect to see once they complete the prompt.


At any moment in your prompt, feel free to add some constraints and characteristics such as the tone of voice, the length of your desired content, the style, etc.


From now on, it's your turn to go and play around with ChatGPT. We've created a concrete list of examples that we have been using so far at Influence Society on how to use this powerful tool.

Check out the list of examples on the homepage of this guide.