This is the type of prompt you can use in ChatGPT to create a market study.

It is ideal for benchmarking a destination, for example, which could allow you to study the demand for a new property opening.

Note: If you reach the character limit of the answer, feel free to say "continue" to continue the answer.

As a hotel owner in Paris, I need to generate innovative ideas for launching a new 5-star hotel in Paris Vendome district based on current trends and potential gaps in the market. My main goal is to determine who is my best customer audience and how to adress it while considering the following tasks and steps:

1. Identify current industry trends and potential gaps
2. Brainstorm ideas for a new 5-star hotel in paris
3. Evaluate ideas based on feasibility market demand and potential profitability
4. Refine and prioritize the top ideas

Steps to achieve incredible results:
1. Research and analyze the luxury hotel industry to understand the current landscape and identify trends and gaps
2. Use the context and constraints of parisian luxury hotels market to guide brainstorming sessions
3. Evaluate and rank the ideas based on predefined criteria, such as feasibility, market demand, and potential profitability
4. Refine and prioritize the top ideas for further development

Output format:
A detailed report with the top luxury 5-star hotel in Paris ideas, their rationale, feasibility analysis, and an overview of the potential market demand and profitability.