For now you can have access for free to ChatGPT 3.5 by creating an account here:

There is a subscription plan called ChatGPT Plus that provides additional benefits to users. For a monthly fee (19$), subscribers enjoy general access to ChatGPT (version 4), even during peak times, ensuring a smoother and more consistent user experience. ChatGPT Plus subscribers also receive faster response times and priority access to new features and improvements as they become available.

ChatGPT Plus is designed to cater to users who require an enhanced level of service, whether for professional, personal, or educational purposes. By subscribing to ChatGPT Plus, you can unlock the full potential of this advanced language model and benefit from its cutting-edge capabilities in your projects and workflows.


Another way to use ChatGPT is to use the new Bing (right now under preview for the moment).

New Bing runs on customized GPT-4 for search, providing users with powerful features. Bing benefits from OpenAI updates and incorporates community feedback for a comprehensive copilot experience.



Since March 23, 2023 OpenAI announced also the launch of ChatGPT plugins that will allow to unlock the full potential of the AI.

